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Thursday, October 06, 2005
Kepler's reopening! 11am Sat Oct 8 2005

Yes isn't that wonderful! I have fond memories of that place and had been really sad to hear that the famous Kepler's had had to close recently. Some people have come forward and invested in this special bookshop in Menlo Park.
So this will be quite a party on Saturday, not to be missed!
A9 map
keplers.com savekeplers.com
Read the article - Community Investment Rescues a Bookstore via...NYT
Technorati Tags: kepler, kepler's, menlo, park, palo, alto, bookshop, books
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Accelerating Change 2005
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy molene - art animals blogging literature philanthropy ecology

"Artificial intelligence ("AI"), broadly defined, improves the intelligence and autonomy of our technology. Intelligence amplification ("IA") empowers human beings and their social, political, and economic environments."
The accelerating Change 2005 conference is on at Stanford.
This year there are many interesting speakers, including Steve Jurvetson of Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Joi Ito of Neoteny, Six Apart Japan and Technorati, also Ester Dyson of Release 1.0 and CNET Networks.
Check out thier Flickr photos in the next few days to see the fun that was had...Steve, Joi, Estr
Technorati Tags: accelerating, change, 2005, technorati, stanford, joi, ito, esther, dyson, steve, jurvetson, conference, change, edventure, neoteny, fisher, draper, jurvetson, dfj
Friday, September 09, 2005
Please help Tabbatha's cousins
The animals need your help, please donate to these charities. Pleople who have lost everything are suffering even more because they are worried and devestated by having lost thier pets. Many of them were forced to leave behind thier animals and not allowed to take them to the shelters. These organisations are rescuing lost, trapped and abandoned pets in the Katrina aftermath..
The Networkforgood.org lists all the charities helping both people and animals.
Katrina people finder
Craigslist read this thread see if you can help, listing , help offered, lost and found animals etc. This is just one CALL THESE NUMBERS & HELP SAVE LOST PETS BEFORE A SHOOT TO KILL ORDER sign a petition to let people take thier pets with them!!!!
IFAW Animals Around the World Need Your Help
LA/SPCA - Hearts Unleashed (9/5/05) A temporary shelter is set up in Gonzales, Louisiana, ...
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Providing direct support to help rebuild facilities and relocate animals.
Noah's Wish Helping to keep animals alive in face of the storm devastation.
United Animal Nations Providing emergency animal sheltering and disaster relief services.
American Humane Association Providing emergency animal services.
American Kennel Club Companion Animal Recovery Providing animal recovery and supplies. Best Friends Animal Society Helping animal victims of the storm. North Shore Animal League America Providing temporary shelter for pets. _________________________
Technorati Tags: animals, pets, shelter, welfare, rescue, flooding, hurricane, katrina, new, orleans, donate, charity
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Seals in trouble
 Seals in trouble Originally uploaded by yeimaya.
Please sign this petition,only 5 more days til the Canadian seal hunt begins. www.protectseals.org/?source=gabac8
I understand that the Canadian fisheries is in trouble and that many fishermen are unable to support their families. Also there is a belief that seals have contributed to the crash of fish populations. But I believe this way of solving the problem is .... horrible!
One of the problems is also the market. Are seal skin coats becoming popular again? If you have any friends who are thinking of buying one (?????) please ask them to think about where it came from.
I was on a whale watch boat in the 1970's before the marine mammal protection act was in place. It was spring and quite cold. A very friendly and enthusiastic woman was wearing the warmest thing there was in those days... a seal skin coat and couldn't understand why no one would talk to her.
Sometimes it is really hard to make the connection between the live animal and the things you wear or eat, I am guilty of that too.yeimaya Photo © yeimaya
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Google Hacks Review
bookzen - literary reviews
 Google Hacks, Tips & Tools for Smarter Searching By Tara Calishain, Rael Dornfest 2nd Edition December 2004 O'Reilly
Reviewed for Bookzen by KJR
Mastering the information in "Google Hacks" is necessary for being a competent, educated person today, which means understanding how to take full advantage of information interconnectivity . Whether you are in business, academia, entertainment, or industry, whether you are in junior high school or a post-graduate program, whether you are an admin or a president, those of us who are connected expect our peers to be equally savvy. Not having a full grasp of "Google Hacks" is almost tantamount to applying for a job without knowing how to read.
Having said that, there are probably some seven-eighths of the world's population today that are either unaware of what I am talking about or unable to take advantage of the information riches available online due to economics (poverty), education (ignorance) or politics (repression). Included here also are those who might have the means, but don't know they have the need (oblivious). Google Hacks is a seminal, watershed book. Those who can master this information will be on one trajectory, while the others will be effectively excluded from living as full participants in the contemporary world.
Google Hacks symbolizes the alarming divide of rich vs. poor, smart vs. ignorant, connected vs. unconnected, the paradigm of a good future based on access to and understanding of information resources, vs .a bad future based on lack.
Innovative anthropologists, Gregogry Bateson, Caleb Gategno, Alvin Toffler, and Susan Sonntag, in the 1960's said that what you know would not be as important in the future as knowing how to learn what you need to know. Today's smartest anthropologists and economists, Carol Greenhouse, Arjun Appadurai say that the global flow of images, finances, technologies, and ideologies move us to "think beyond the nation," because national borders are less important to groups of people who share information across borders. Google embodies and facilitates these trends, and "Google Hacks" how to take advantage. So, read this book from cover to cover, and do it today, or at least leaf through "Google Hacks", to be sure you understand what's on every page.
"Google Hacks" is very accessible, covering basics of how to search the world's most powerful general purpose Internet search engine. The hundreds of "hacks" include topics such as how to compose a search, why to use different search engines, different types of searches, how to understand search results, and how to understand the trends underlying searches. It reviews using gmail as a networked filesystem, and how to index information with Google, including how not to. Search engine advertising is discussed in detail, even including how to write better ads. Curious about Usenet groups, how you can and cannot program Google, or using Google to mine more out of Ebay and Amazon? My personal favorite hacks are understanding the importance of and using misspelled searches, and calculating mindshare. What? Read the book!
Technorati Tags: Bookzen Google Hacks O'Reilly Google Book review
del.icio.us it
Monday, March 14, 2005
Technorati Statistics
This is interesting, don't miss tomorrow!
Sifry's Alerts - State of The Blogosphere, March 2005, Part 1: Growth of Blogs
"Today, I'll be focusing on the macro growth of the blogosphere, both in the aggregate number of bloggers out there, as well as the growth of the number of new blogs per day."

Technorati is now tracking over 7.8 million weblogs, and 937 million links.

"Tomorrow, I'll discuss some statistics around posting volume, which is a more accurate indicator of how much blogging is becoming a habit for people."
Read Jason Kottke's comment
Technorati Tags: technorati, blogs, sifry's, alerts, blogosphere, bloggzen,jason kottke, david sifry,
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Hot Chocolate
Jason Kottke has quit his job and is now going to blog fulltime. He's hoping to survive on micropatronage from his blog audience. I wish him well. Having read his writings for many years, I have found him to be one of the most interesting and entertaining bloggers.
HOW: "I'm attempting to revisit the idea of arts patronage in the context of the internet. Patrons of the arts have typically been wealthy individuals, well-heeled foundations, or corporations. As we've seen in many contexts, the net allows individuals from geographically dispersed locations to aggregate themselves for any number of reasons. So, when you've got a group of people who are interested in a particular artist, writer, etc., they should be able to mobilize over the internet and support that person directly instead of waiting around for the MacArthur Foundation or Cosimo de Medici to do it".more>>
So go and give him a hand, good luck Jason!
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
RSS Digest
This is a fabulous invention, as you can see I use it on all my blogs as navigation and also to list my del.icio.us bookmarks etc. Thank you for giving us this super tool!

What is RSS Digest?
Place items and headlines from any RSS or Atom enabled site (such as del.icio.us or Flickr) onto your site, no programming required. It can use JavaScript, PHP, or an IFRAME as the inclusion method, so anyone can use it. Get no ugly ads, and use ANY valid feed!
Tags: RSS Atom RSS Digest feed
Saturday, January 22, 2005
 Technorati-tags Originally uploaded by Le Cactus.
bloggzen - total immersion blogging technology innovation
Technorati has introduced tags, this might be a new concept for many of you but we have been using them for ages on Flickr, Del.icio.us and Furl. I could tag every word of this post just to show up in the pages tagged with tags, but it would take too long, When is Blogger going to put an add Technorati Tag button? Flickr tags are very usefull for finding photos to add to blog posts. (see above) Pehaps I should search the Flickr tags to find photos for my photoblog Flickrzen, no that would be too easy, the recently uploaded photos page is much more exciting!
Technorati - Where does the stuff on Technorati Tag pages come from?
The photos come from our friends at Flickr. Flickr is a great photo sharing community. If you'd like your photos to appear on our tag pages, join Flickr and post your photos there. And remember to tag 'them!
The links come from the nice folks at Del.icio.us and Furl. Del.icio.us and Furl are web-based bookmark managers. If you'd like to contribute links to Technorati Tag pages, you can join Del.icio.us or join Furl and post and tag some links.
The rest of the Technorati Tag pages is made up of blog posts. And those come from you! Anyone with a blog can contribute to Technorati Tag pages. There are two ways to contribute:
What's all this? This page shows all kinds of goodies from the web about tags. To contribute, just make a post to your blog about tags and include the link below. More Info » tags
Flickr - What are tags? You can give your photos a "tag", which is like a keyword. Tags help you find photos which have something in common. You can assign as many tags as you wish to each photo.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Mind Hacks
bookzen - literary reviews
"Mind Hacks" Tips & Tools for Using your Brain in the World By Tom Stafford, Matt Webb - Reviewed for Bookzen by KJR
"Mind Hacks" is an excellent starting place for the exploration of the human mind, apparently a very popular interest right now. Curiosity regarding how we think seems in vogue, since so many are reading one of a group of recently published books on the subject. Including "Mind Hacks" there is "The Mind Map" by Tony Buzan and Barry Buzan, "Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" by Malcolm Gladwell" The Undiscovered Mind" by John Horgan, "On Intelligence" by Jeff Hawkins (PalmPilot creator) and Sandra Blakeslee, and from Steven Johnson, who wrote the Foreword to "Mind Hacks, " there is "Mind Wide Open. " All of these delve into that uncharted land called how our grey matter works and how we can live better lives by knowing more about it. Each of these books has a delightfully different take on the subject, and "Mind Hacks" itself is full of references for further reading. Is it more than just a co-incidence that these books are all out right now, being talked about, blogged about, and voraciously read? Why this insatiable synchronicity of people wanting to know more about how we are made and how we think?
In more classical studies, "Mind Hacks" would be filed under physical and cultural anthropology. And though you will be introduced to words like limbic, cortex and cerebellum, keeping track of technical medical terms is not essential for understanding and learning much from this book. While it seems written for popular audiences, and uses everyday examples to illustrate how we as human beings tend to think, and why, "Mind Hacks" is helpfully structured to take you just as deep as you want to go.
As to whether the mind can be hacked, just ask a songwriter, movie producer or ad exec; though by "hacks," the authors really mean examples, and there are hundreds. For instance, why do we tend to see faces when we look at clouds? Why do we scrutinize other peoples' faces so intently? Why, if we see six of the same thing, do we tend to see the seventh object as the same, too, even if it isn't? Why do we smell chalk when we think of Dick, Jane, and that "silly, silly Spot?" What do we really find irresistibly interesting and what bores us to death? Did left-handed people evolve differently and why do they have more traffic accidents? Why are some people better at math? Why do sunglasses make the world more interesting visually? (It's all in the mind.) Why do people respond differently to the same instructions? And by implication, what is the best way to design a web page? All of this is covered in "Mind Hacks" including which sectors of the brain are responsible, and how the research was done.
"Mind Hacks" is a good starting place for exploring your mind, partly because it would fit nicely with some of the other books mentioned here and in the book itself, but also because Mind Hacks is at the center of an expanding culture of exploration and investigation of mental phenomena,including blogs about "Mind Hacks" and related phenomena (just technorati "Mind Hacks" for instance.) There are the sites of the book's publisher O'Reilly for starters and a page relating to topics covered in "Mind Hacks" about why posting flickr zeitgeist might be a distraction for people who actually want to read your blog, and there is the excellent "Mind Hacks" blog itself mindhacks.com, which does not seem to be accessible from the O'Reilly site. Both authors have their own blogs - Idiolect by Tom Stafford and Interconnected by Matt Webb.
"Mind Hacks" suggests that you can read it sequentially or dive in randomly.
Either way it is an accessible book about some of the curiously strange ways in which we think, remember, and respond, based on how we evolved and what was then and is now most important to us as biological organisms. Even better, it is totally overflowing with examples and simple exercises -- the "hacks" -- that you can do by yourself or with friends. Better yet, buy the book and give a "Mind Hacks" party! Ask your guests to open the book randomly, exclaim on the particular mental characteristic explained on that page, and then put everyone through the exercise or group discussion implied. Like, "How do you prefer your first cup of morning coffee, and how do you feel if you don't get it that way?" Pavlov got it right more than a hundred years ago.
And speaking of Pavlov's dogs, there is much in "Mind Hacks" to suggest that we humans share many of our emotions, thoughts and feelings with other animals, whose brain structures evolved similarly and whose reactions in research are so similar.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Bloggers Without Borders
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy
The site has been launched earlier because of the great tsunami of aid that is needed now! Thank you for putting this together Jonas what a super idea and Joi for the alert.
Mission Statement
Submitted by Jonas M Luster on Thu, 2004-12-30 06:16.
While we work on some more pressing manners, such as the Tsunami Outreach program, let me quickly introduce Bloggers Without Borders to you, if I may.
BwoB was born in October 2004 as an idea by Sean Bonner. Sean quickly brought Jonas Luster, Xeni Jardin, and Wil Wheaton on board, and for the following weeks, Jonas worked on the technical side of things. When Sri Lanka and the South East Asian region fell victim to a 9.0 earthquake and the resulting Tsunami, we knew we had to bring online what we had.
This is, where BwoB is today. We continue to add features, and will introduce a few great ones in short order, but for the time being, it’s a weblog, a forum, and a means to communicate and coordinate.
Monday, December 20, 2004
londonzen - park life
London has a new Blog - News site called The Londonist. It is interesting and amusing, more so if you are a Londoner, "Ken" of course is a favorite topic. They have very kindly linked to londonzen.
It also features The London Tomes, a new London-based, animated series.
"We're not going to say too much about it, we'll let you make your own minds up. Suffice to say that there are talking animals, the District Line and the criminally insane".
- Published by
- The Gothamist "a website about New York City and everything that happens in it". Gothamist was voted Best NY Blog by NY Press readers in 2004. The Londonist is the new addition to the stable, there are already The LAist The Chicagoist The SFist The DCist The Torontoist
- Edited by
- Rob Hinchcliffe - Rob was raised 'up north', in the independent state of South Yorkshire. In the late Nineties he defected and has been living in London ever since.
- Euan Mitchell - Euan is a New Zealander living in London and has been about 9 months away from moving back home for the last 10 years.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Pale Male and Lola
I cried............. I have two beautiful geese, it is as though they had been dumped on a highway, far from their house and pond, they mate for life too!
Please blog this! thank you!
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy
Reuters - New York City Hawk Fans Intensify Protests Over Eviction
Google news, many pages about this outrage!
Audubon Press Releases > THE REMOVAL OF "PALE MALE'S" NEST SHOCKS NEW YORK City, State, and National Organizations Call for Action to Correct the Loss
Audubon New York is currently circulating a petition at nycaudubon.org to get the nest returned to its location, or barring that, the spikes upon which the birds have built their nest.
nyc.indymedia.org The hawks are flying around, confused and unable to find their nest. These rich idiots have no respect for anything, do they. CNN's Paula Zahn lives in the building, as does Kenneth Cole.Article here: Lot's more info on here about the people involved in this
The building owners - brownharrisstevens.com
Wing and a prayer
Read the latest news on Marie Winn's site, she has been thier champion for years and wrote a book about pale male and Lola>>>
mariewinn.com - LOLA LEAVING THE FIFTH AVENUE NEST [a few months before its destruction]
Photo by Lincoln Karim
Red-Tails in Love A Wildlife Drama in Central Park by Marie Winn [1998 Pantheon, 1999 Vintage]
This is the whole article from the macontelegraph.com
"A bunch of insensitive louts
Since 1993, an unlikely resident named Pale Male and his female companions have lived 12 stories up on a cornice of a ritzy New York apartment building. He has sired, depending upon who's telling the story, up to 23 offspring in his formerly breezy home, which had a neat view of the city's skyline and nearby Central Park.
Pale Male, a red-tailed hawk and a member of an endangered species, is inarguably the world's best-known bird. His fans have crossed oceans to watch the hawk, who for years has dutifully helped raise his families in the heart of a city rather than in the wild, as most hawks prefer.
So named because his colors are not as vibrant as most male red-tailed hawks, Pale Male was the star in a book by author Marie Winn and the subject of a PBS documentary film as well. Newspapers and television stories annually feature the hawk's adventures, and birdwatchers have been known to camp out on the street, waiting to see the hawk's offspring take flight from their 12th-floor nest.
But no more. The rich and powerful people who own the building at 927 Fifth Avenue and 74th Street apparently decided that having the hawk nest on their building was too much of an inconvenience. Bird droppings and such affronted their sense of decorum, so they had the nest destroyed and removed vital rods the hawk had used to anchor the nest to withstand strong winds.
Not all the tenants agreed with the action. Actress Mary Tyler Moore, a resident of the building for 15 years, announced she was amazed and outraged by the "insensitivity" of the action. She and her husband opposed the nest's removal, but to no avail. Numerous Pale Male fans are attempting to convince the tenants to permit the bird to rebuild its nest.
The tenants own the building, and they apparently didn't break any laws in removing the nest. They had the legal authority to do so. But Moore and others critical of them are absolutely right. The building's owners demonstrated that they are insensitive louts who have no desire to see the bigger picture that others found so appealing.
Merry Christmas, Pale Male, from the bunch of Scrooges you unfortunately chose to live among". MaconTelegraph.com
"Since 1993, Pale Male sired 23 youngsters from nest, inspiring a book and a documentary film".BBC
BBC links>>>
New York Times
City of New York Parks
Audubon Society
US Fish and Wildlife Service
PBS film
PBS Pale Male film
NYT article
Frederic Lilien - Director, Producer, Editor
Joanne Woodward - Narrator
The Gothamist - Hawks' Nest Is Removed; Co-op Happy, Others Outraged "The Pale Male website is telling people to email the Fish and Wildlife Services to say that the nest was active up until its removal". - read the comments!
Ingrid Spangler is in New York and is blogging this live, here,
with photos here.
Friday, December 10, 2004
Top Scientists Launch RealClimate.org
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy
Team of Renowned Climate Experts from Europe and the US Create First-of-a-Kind Climate Weblog
Today, top climate scientists will launch a unique website to provide commentary on the emerging new results from climate science. The site is designed as a tool for journalists and members of the public, and will provide a quick response to developing stories and provide the context sometimes missing in mainstream commentary. The discussion is restricted solely to scientific topics and will not address political issues.
"We are trying to ensure that science doesn't get trampled by politics," said Gavin Schmidt.
"We hope this site will serve as a resource that can challenge mis-representations or mis-understandings of the science as they occur in real time," said Michael Mann.
Schmidt, Mann, Stefan Rahmstorf, Rasmus Benestad, Caspar Ammann, Ray Bradley, William Connolley, Eric Steig, and Amy Clement are all contributors to the site. This group includes two "Scientific American 50 Research Leader" award winners and recipients of prestigious fellowship awards from the McDonnell and Comer foundations.
Information on the site includes commentary on breaking news such as the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment as well as the latest scientific findings on greenhouse gases, the paleoclimatic record, climate modeling, and connections between the sun's variability and climate.
The scientific contributors work in their personal capacity, and receive no financial compensation for this work.
Journalists may also read their biographies, request more information, or reach the scientists through the site www.realclimate.org or contact the scientists directly:
Gavin Schmidt 212-678-5627 gschmidt@giss.nasa.gov
Michael Mann 434-924-7770 mann@virginia.edu
Eric Steig 206-543-6327 steig@ess.washington.edu
Stefan Rahmstorf +49 331 288 2688 rahmstorf@pik-potsdam.de(Germany)
Rasmus Benestad +47 2296 3377 rasmus.benestad-at-met.no
Thursday, December 09, 2004
BookCrossing programmer Dan Clune still missing after one month, reward rises to $10,000
Bookcrossing has asked all thier members to spread the word but when I looked on Technorati this I only found 8 mentions in blogs, so please re-blog about this and pass the info on, thank you!
bookzen - literary reviews
Dan Clune disappeared from the Long Bridge Bar and Grill (Sandpoint, Idaho) on November 6, 2004 just before 2AM, he was wearing a blue hooded sweatshirt and blue knit ski cap.
Danny's story will be on COURT TV Catherine Crier Live Friday December 10th at 5:00pm ET/PT
Please help find him http://www.finddanny.com/
Monday, December 06, 2004
Flickrzen is live
fotozen - private view
I had the idea to make Flickrzen about a week ago and now it is a reality.I hope that you enjoy the show!
Flickrzen spotlights exeptional photographs, be that subject, technique or rarity, found on flickr - "Almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world".
I am very happy because Caterina blogged about Flickrzen on the official Flickr blog>
"Also there is another great blog dedicated to finding the great photos of Flickr. It launched just a few days ago, and can be found at FlickrZen. I've subscribed to the RSS feed of it. You should too!"
Thank you Caterina x
Friday, December 03, 2004
'Blog' word of the year
The term "blog" has been chosen as the top word of 2004 by a US dictionary publisher.
Merriam-Webster said "blog" headed the list of most looked-up terms on its site during the last twelve months. via...BBC
Blog noun [short for Weblog] (1999) : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer.
Top Ten List
2. incumbent
3. electoral
4. insurgent
5. hurricane
6. cicada
7. peloton : noun (1951) : the main body of riders in a bicycle race
8. partisan
9. sovereignty
10. defenestration
Oh yes, late as usual!
microsoft get's the blogging bug via...BBC
Friday, November 26, 2004
Is Babble the new Hype/Skype
The Broadband VoIP Telephone Service from BON.net
With Babble it is free -
to call other Babble users
to use voicemail
to use Instant Messaging
to call fixed line numbers in the UK, USA Mainland, Australia, New Zealand and Europe
"The voice quality was excellent, sounding no different than if you were making a call between fixed lines".Robin Good Read his in-depth review of Babble.
Technorati This
This is another swift idea from Technorati. via...Joi
New Technorati This favelet for IE, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, etc.
We've just made it easier to find out what people are saying about anything on the web, anytime.via...Sifry
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Rebecca MacKinnon had a tremendous idea at Bloggercon III, Bloggercorps, now it is live, do see what you can do to help.
ecozen - animals ecology philanthropy
Bloggercorps is simple. It's a blog.
No office. No admin. No fund-raising. No funds. No staff. No meetings.
It will evolve organically based on the needs of the people who wind up using it.
For starters, here's the plan:
- The authors (a wide-ranging group comprised mainly of bloggers, activists, and tech organizations who work with non-profits) will post announcements on behalf of organizations who need help starting blogs or building blogging communities.
- The posts will be categorized according to the organization's geographical location, and in some cases its main focus issue.
- Bloggers interested in helping that particular organization can express their interest in the comments section attached to that post.
- The organization will then decide which of the volunteers it wants to follow up with.
- All arrangements will be made directly between organizations and bloggers. Bloggercorps will not mediate.
- We are not raising money to put people on planes so in most cases the idea is to match organizations located in a particular place with bloggers living in the same place.
- If situations arise in which organizations cannot find volunteers living in their area, we may be able to point them to foundations or philanthropic organizations who might be in a position to help fund travel for blogger-volunteers. But we won't do your fundraising work for you.
- Bloggercorps is non-partisan.
Check it out.
Orkut Media
Orkut has launched Orkut Media.
"....That's why today we're pleased to introduce orkut media, a brand new feature that will present a fresh set of columns and photographs every week. They will cover the topics that rule our daily thoughts - sex, food, politics, art, race, you name it. What you see in orkut media can make you laugh or think. In the end, we hope it's something real to connect with in this virtual world"...more.
latest posts - |
- |
are increasingly being recognized as an important source of
business-critical information. Blogs highlight the news that
matters as well as providing instantaneous commentary and
opinions on a wide variety of topics and events."
Jim Pitkow, CEO, Moreover
makes a weblog a weblog? |
Marqi "Pay Bloggers to Blog" Marc
Canter Oh yah - let me say this for the first time =
"I'm getting paid to blog about Marqui." |
-dates- |
the Mind of Jeff Bezos Amazon.com's
founder is a study in contradictions -- analytical and intuitive,
careful and audacious, playful and determined. What really makes
this remarkable entrepreneur tick? |
2005 Fast Forward " Our 101st item is up to you. What
did we miss? Which person, company, idea, or product do
you think will have the most impact in 2005? Nominate
your ideas. We'll print the best ones in the magazine." |
- VON 11
- 14 Sept Boston THE definitive IP communications event.
It’s where the world’s communication leaders meet to map out
the future. |
SXSW Film/Interactive: Music: Wednesday, March 14 - Sunday,
March 18, 2007 Film: Friday, March 9 - Saturday, March 17, 2007
Interactive: Friday, March 9 - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 |
pcforum 2005 March 20 - 22 2005 Fairmont Scottsdale
Princess Scottsdale, AZ |
O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference
Manchester Grand Hyatt March 26-29, 2007 San
Diego, CA Sign up for the ETech newsletter
for late breaking news on ETech 2007. |
# Energy & Utilities IT Summit 18-20 September Kissimmee, FL
# IT and Software Asset Management Summit 18-20 September Lake
Buena Vista, FL # Gartner Portals, Content & Collaboration Summit
2-3 October London # Enterprise Architecture Summit 2006 27-28
September London - England |
MySQL Users Conference
April 23-26, 2007
Santa Clara, CA |
Moscow June 21 - 23, 2006 Moscow, Russia Interop New York September
18 - 22, 2006 New York, NY Interop Las Vegas May 20 - 25, 2007
Las Vegas, NV |
D: All Things Digital The fifth edition of The Wall
Street Journal’s D: All Things Digital will be held May 29 to
May 31, 2007 at the Four Seasons Resort Aviara in Carlsbad,
California. |
Gnomedex |
June 29 - July 1, 2006! Bell Harbor Conference Center in Seattle,
WA |
ideaCity06 will be held 21, 22, 23 June 2006 in Toronto |
Pop!Tech |
Information Society Index
1. Denmark 963
2. Sweden 958
3. United States 938
4. Switzerland 929
5. Canada 925
6. Netherlands 919
7. Finland 911
8. Korea 904
9. Norway 899
10. United Kingdom 870
Dave Pollard
you must read his very helpfull article "Time
savers for Bloggers."
Also, "What the BSkoliaphere want's more of "
Blog readers want to see more>
Blog writers want to see more> |
-Geekdinner |
Internet Archive |
Soundblox by Laszlo
is an MP3 audio playing Internet application that can be embedded
into a personal blog template or Web page, and displayed in
any modern Web browser (via Flash Player 5 or above). |
innovatore Marc
Canter has it on Marc's
Pad. |
is an easy-to-use tool that makes it simple to create, attach
and manage a small, separate blog on the side of your main blog.
is a new way to find friends, and friends of friends! PLINK
gets all its user data from 'FOAF' (Friend-of-a-Friend)
files which anyone can add to their web site. |
NYT link generator gives you the permanent link
to your quoted article. |
The Blog Herald |
--- |
find out more at blog.meetup.com |
books - |
Read our review on Bookzen |
the Media : Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People
By Dan
Grassroots journalists are dismantling Big Media's monopoly
on the news, transforming it from a lecture to a conversation.
Not content to accept the news as reported, these readers-turned-reporters
are publishing in real time to a worldwide audience via the
Internet. The impact of their work is just beginning to be felt
by professional journalists and the newsmakers they cover.
In We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for
the People, nationally known business and technology columnist
Dan Gillmor tells the story of this emerging phenomenon, and
sheds light on this deep shift in how we make and consume the
it from O'Reilly >>
Good luck Dan : From we the readers |
the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People,
is now available on the web as chapter-by-chapter pdfs under
a Creative Commons licence. |
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